Bandura’s Social Learning Theory

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The purpose of Chapter two is to review literature related to the major variables within the study. Two literature reviews were conducted. The first literature review examined the retention rates and low standardized test scores on Students taking Middle School Math. This follows the purpose of the conceptual framework, the Keller’s ARCS model(1987). Here, there will be literature related to inform the study that is related to the research design, intervention design, and measurement instruments. Lastly there will be a section on the Conceptual Framework.

Retention of Middle School Mathematical Students

President Barack Obama (2008) started his term by saying

The agenda starts with education. Whether you’re conservative or liberal, Republican or Democratic, practically every economist agrees that in this digital age, a highly educated and skilled workforce will be the key to not only individual opportunity, but to the overall success of our economy as well. We cannot be satisfied until every child in America-and I mean every child- has the same chances for a good education that we want for our own children.

With this promise came serious concerns over education taught students ranked 28th in the United States out of 40 other countries in Mathematics and Sciences. 80% of occupations depend on knowledge of Mathematics and Science (Week and Obama 2009). In order to ensure that educators have enough money to fund the endeavor to be more competitive with the rest of the world in Mathematics and Science, President Obama will increase federal spending in education with an additional 18 billion dollars in k-12 classrooms, guaranteeing educators have the teachers, technology, and professional development to attain highly quali...

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...atics in six countries, Mathematics Teaching in the 21st Century, Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education, Michigan State University.

Silver, E. A. (1998). Improving Mathematics in Middle School: Lessons from TIMSS and Related Research, US Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-9328.

Singh, K., M. Granville, et al. (2002). "Mathematics and science achievement: effects of motivation, interest, and academic engagement." The Journal of Educational Research 95(6): 323-332.

Stroup, A. L. and L. N. Robins (1972). "Elementary school predictors of high school dropout among black males." Sociology of Education 45(2): 212-222.

Washington, W. M., B. C. Barish, et al. (2006). "National Science Board."

Week, E. and B. Obama (2009). The Obama Education Plan: An Education Week Guide, Jossey-Bass Inc Pub.

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