Nike Mission Statement Analysis

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One element of strategic planning is developing a company 's mission statement. While companies have slogans and vision statements, the mission statement is not the same. The mission statement formally declares the purpose and reason for the company 's existence. This is the foundation for the company’s strategic plan. Helping guide the company along the way during the decision making process. As a company evolve the mission statement should too.
What is a Mission Statement
What makes up a great mission statement? An article from Forbes states that a mission statement is comprised from answering four simple questions. “What do we do?, How do we do it?, Whom do we do it for?, and What value are we bringing?” (Hull, 2013). When developing a mission statement it needs to be short, but at the same time inspire employees and customers.
In order to evaluating a mission statement several questions need to be asked to determine the strength and …show more content…

This short statement could easily be confused with a slogan. While they target athletes as customers, they fail to provide any other information to articulate any of the why, what or hows. If I had never heard of Nike before, from their mission statement I’d be left wondering what they do. But it is Nike, and branding has influenced their mission statement much like the short and sweet mission statements of Google or Amazon. But back to the evaluation, how will Nike serve its customers or satisfy their needs? From their brief mission statement, I 'm not sure. Furthermore, employees and customers are left wondering what Nike values. Is it realistic? No, without anything outline to aim for bring inspiration and innovation will be difficult. As for inspiring, it may inspire employees and customer, but to do

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