Social Media's Negative Effects On Children And Adolescents

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With the increase of digital platforms, the interaction through social media between people are becoming faster and more effective than before, this means that communication by (Internet) is visible in real time, which content is created by the users themselves with computer technologies that facilitate the publication, editing and exchange of information, data, images, audio, video and even transactions. In general terms, the contents of social media can create two types of impacts positive or negative. The positive impact is when social networks are used as a communication tool. Communities are created to share content, to relate users to each other for friendly purposes and also for commercial purposes. Within the negative impact is a new type of violence, that mainly affects the children and adolescents who have access to the Internet. Unfortunately, online activity and messaging applications have favored that traditional bullying has exceeded the face-to-face limits to virtual form, and giving origin to cyber bullying. When …show more content…

It is necessary, so social media have to put more limitations to access some applications. In view of the fact that some of content that people put on these sites is inappropriate for children and there are sites that could lead some people to cyber bullying. Since there are too many predators or stalkers prone to talk with children or adolescents no one expects it. They can fall into your hands. These children may fall into their hands of predators or bullies and this can be very dangerous, how Merle and Dorothy point out in their book “Cyberbullying in Social Media within Educational Institutions" (25-77). Cyberbullying is despicable, cruel, and hurt people because it could be responsible for serious consequences of depression, suicidal idea, and in the worst-case, suicidal or homicidal

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