Media Relationship And Parasocial Relationships In The Social Media

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Social Media Relationships In the age of technology our young generations have been able to create, and maintain relationships. The media is virtually everywhere, and it affects us in many ways in our daily lives. Facebook, Twitter, and Snap Chat are just a few ways people are able to stay connected in the social media world. Through creating these relationships people have experienced both a positive, and negative effect on younger generations that interact in social media, computer, and video games. Computer, and video games are the number one way for youth at the moment to form companionships, and in some cases develop intimate relationships. The reason that people are being drawn to social media’s companionships, and cognitive effects …show more content…

“For real people in a parasocial relationship the individual feels intense emotions for the person that they actually will experience anxiety, and depression when being away from online for a long period of time” (Kirsh 6). Also, they will often refuse when having to be forced to “break up” with their parasocial friend. People in the social media world feel extreme emotions for the individuals they are connected with online (Kirsh 7). This shows negative cognitive effects on the individual, because youths in parasocial relationships showed they tend to feel alone, and were deficient in real life relationships. People that interact most of their day online are not able to develop the right skills they need to be able to interact with others face-to-face. An example that people see everywhere is our youth physically with their friends, but they are texting each other, or snap chatting, but never really speaking. Researchers have shown that people that have parasocial relationships are an outcome of coming from a home where they are not getting attention that is desired. So they will seek out any form of a bond online for them to freely express ones feelings, and

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