The Pros And Cons Of Abortion

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Abortion seems to be a never-ending hot debate, from political figures to the classrooms across the country it appears to ruffle feathers. Laws preventing abortions hinder women from making a choice for themselves; it limits them to having to rely on a higher power to make a life to changing decision that will have forever consequences. Having laws prohibiting abortions takes away chances from a woman to live her life to the fullest potential. Women get abortions for many reasons, not all being selfish like many seem to portray it. Why should we get to make such a harsh decision for someone we know nothing about?
So what exactly is an abortion? Well, the dictionary definition is “the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed …show more content…

And 43 percent of those unwanted pregnancies ended in an abortion within the first nine weeks (Bonham, 2013). Many people think abortion is just massacring an unborn child’s life, but there are three different ways to go about it. When a woman is 1-9 weeks pregnant, the abortion procedure is not as invasive as many think. More than likely the woman who is wanting an abortion will be given the option of a medical abortion, in other words, it is a medication that is given and ends the pregnancy (Abortion Procedures, 2013). Many call this the abortion pill. Another type of abortion that is commonly done is the D&C or Dilation and Curettage, and it is done up to 16 weeks. The D&C is a surgical abortion, like the name states a woman is dilated so the uterine lining can be scraped (Abortion Procedures, 2013). D&Cs are an outpatient surgery and an easy recovery. Then you have the most controversial type of abortion, the dilation, and extraction. Dilation and extraction are a surgical procedure that removed an intact fetus from the uterus after 21 weeks (Abortion Procedures, 2013). In all reality, though the dilation and extraction are not that common of a procedure for deciding you don’t want the child, …show more content…

Should there be a term limit on when an abortion can be done? Yes. But what people seem not to understand is that abortions are not happening the day before the child is born, that just does not happen. 92% of abortions occur before 13 weeks of pregnancy (Operation Rescue, n.d.). There is a common myth going around, especially with the recent election, saying that abortion is allowed up to the day before a child is born, when in fact, less than 1 percent of abortions even occur in the third trimester (Terzo, 2013), which is from week 27 till 40. Research states that the fetus brain starts to emit electrical signals at 12 weeks (Peerthum, 2011), which are the signals that carry messages. With that being said before the fetus is 24 weeks the brain is only emitting the electrical signals and not real brainwaves, which show thoughts (Peerthum, 2011). With that being said, I do believe there should be a term limit on abortions at 12 weeks since the brain is developing and can

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