Persuasive Essay On Sex Education

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According to,“More than 30 million Americans struggle with eating disorders, which have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness, yet receive a fraction of the research funding and media attention of other illnesses. What would influence someone to starve themselves in such a potentially fatal matter? The standards that society, and largely the media, set on people is what influences so many to form unhealthy habits and patterns of thinking. Over the past few years people have been bombarded with ads like the Carl Jr. and Hardee’s commercials involving oversexualized, half naked women sexually eating hamburgers. Is this the future of America? How often are commercials like this made with men? Not often. The normalization of …show more content…

Before you all walk out, I do not mean Sex Education in the way you are probably thinking; I am talking about teaching our children from a young age how to effectively and appropriately express their feelings in a healthy way. I am talking about teaching children how to treat one another with respect as well as kindness. People often talk about how bad habits are learned, but this statement is just as accurate when applied to the antithesis, that good behavior must also be taught. Just as a person can fall into a pattern of drug abuse more easily if they are uninformed about the issues of drugs and their side effects, so too can people fall into abusive relationships with others and themselves without proper awareness. When the idea is normalized in children that people, however they differ from you, must be treated with the same level of dignity, then when they hear adults outside of school shaming someone’s body, or objectifying someone they will not think that that is simply how adults act. That child will see the injustice in those words and actions; see the outlandishly perverse for what it is. Bullying will not happen as much and children that are bullied will recognize unfair treatment for what it is and will be more likely to speak up about it: be it to the bully or telling an adult. Either way this will effectively put a stop to oppressive treatment from the peer who harassed

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