Persuasive Essay About Police Officers

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Did you know that 126 police men are killed every year in the line of duty. This has been going up 56% each year. They are putting their life on the line for us every day trying to make this world a better place. And in return we are constantly putting up video’s of the mistakes that they are making instead of the good doings that are happening. It is one of the most critical problems we face today because it is making people hate them and our children fear them. While yes, some of them are out there making mistakes the most important thing to look at is that this isn’t the vast majority of them. And if our children fear them where are they supposed to go if they need help? who will be their savior? Police officers are doing some great things …show more content…

Imagine feeling like every kiss goodbye to your loved ones each day might be your last kiss. Police officers and their families feel this way every single day. Every morning when a police officers puts on their badge, they know there 's a chance they might not come home that night. However, although police officers risking their lives daily, being a police officer is literally a thankless job. Not only are they taken for granted, but all these videos and people voicing the horrible stories with out looking at the good one’s are putting some bad light on police officers. Andrew Hale, who is a lawyer of one of the top firms in the country known for representing police officers, believes that much of people 's anti-police attitude is due to a media bias to report the shocking and dramatic. "Unfortunately the bad tends to stand out and make more interesting news stories," explains Hale, "Mistakes and problems tend to be more dramatic, attention-getting, adrenalin-fueling - far more than the calm, peaceful good deeds police officers do every day.” Hale also says "From what I 've seen, the vast majority of police officers are dedicated, hard-working and conscientious," says Hale. "There are over 13,000 police officers in Chicago. The fact that a handful of officers have been in the news for misconduct should not taint the other 12,980. One bad apple does not mean they …show more content…

Statistically speaking there is about 23.8 % of police officer reported for this. This isn’t the number that was convicted of using to much force this is just the number of reports that were made. But in all honesty we don’t even know their side of the story. While some do use way to much force and should be punished what about the people that were just scared and trying to protect other citizens. Imagine you are a police officer called and you get a call to go to a burglary. Now this doesn’t leave with much to go off of all’s you know is that you need to catch this person to save other people from getting their house broken into. So you arrive and the scene, get out of your car and go around back to try to surprise the guy. But just as you round the corner you see him running across the yard. So you tackle the guy and pin him to the ground until you can put the handcuffs on him. This was all so a criminal wouldn’t escape but he reports you for tackling him to the ground and says that you used to much force. Now is it unfair that we look at all police officers in a negative light because he thought he was doing the right thing? Now we all know that this isn’t always that case sometimes people make mistakes or get a little to angry and really do use to much force. But why are we punishing all cops for the handful of them that are

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