Argumentative Essay On Immigration

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The topic of discussion recently during the presidential race of 2016, is the subject of immigration. One public figure that has said the most, regarding the topic of immigration, is presidential candidate, Donald Trump. Some highly noted claims he has made are that immigrants "[are] bringing drugs, crime, and are rapists", and he wants to have a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States". He also has been stressing very much, the building of a wall between United States and Mexico, in which the Mexican Government would pay for it. Donald Trump does not feel nervous at all, when it comes to speaking his opinion about our immigrants, both legal and illegal. However, immigration may not be as bad as he thinks. Immigrants compose of a large scale of our total population. They are …show more content…

This is a valid worry that Americans should have, nobody would want criminals and "cheaters", in a way, to be living in the country, but most of these allegations towards illegal immigrants run false. Illegal Immigrants do not qualify for welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, and other public benefits. According to Maria Santana, in her article "5 Immigration Myths Debunked", she states that " Non-citizen immigrant adults and children are about 25% less likely to be signed up for Medicaid than their poor native-born equivalents and are also 37% less likely to receive food stamps, according to a 2013 study by the Cato Institute" (Santana). So in reality immigrants do not really "drain the system" at all. Another concern was that its just a matter of following the law that illegals can gain citizenship in the United States. America makes it very hard for illegals to gain citizenship however. There are only a few options for immigrants, and these options often run high in cost, and the wait can be very long at

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