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Pneumonia is a condition that occurs in the lungs that causes inflammation. It is caused by infections at large. However, bacteria, fungi, viruses and other parasites may also be responsible for the condition. Older people who are above 65 years, people having chronic illness and those who have a week immune system are more prone and likely to this kind of inflammation.

Pneumonia can range from mild to life threatening illness. In fact this condition is characterized with high inflammation in the lungs which is caused by the abnormal filling of fluid in the alveolar. Alveoli are very small air filled sacks that are responsible for exchange of gas in the lungs.

Causes of Pneumonia

The body has a natural mechanism to protect itself from any kind of infections. In reality, the body is constantly exposed to viruses and bacteria that are responsible for pneumonia. Nonetheless, the body always has a defense system for pneumonia. These defenses are in the form of coughs and other microorganism in the body which prevents the microorganism that invades the airways. Many condition like systemic illness and malnutrition can lower the immune system and allow the harmful infections to enter the lungs. Thereafter, the organism attacks the white blood cells and the immune system. This causes the air sacs to become inflamed instantly and filled them with fluid.

Microorganism, irritants and other unknown cases can cause pneumonia.

Symptoms and signs of Pneumonia

Depending on the condition, pneumonia symptoms can vary greatly with different people. In fact, it usually starts with a cough and fever which may resemble that of flu. This may cause a little confusion to know whether the conditions are severe or not.

The common signs and...

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...e of the simple home remedies for pneumonia is by rubbing the patient rib cage with a small amount of turpentine oil. This lessens the rib pain and relieves you in a great way. After the massage, cover the rib cage with a warm cloth which will soothe the pain.

• Vegetable juice like that of carrot, beet, cucumber and spinach is one of the ideal home remedies for pneumonia. This is because vegetable juice helps building the immune system. Prepare a mixture of the vegetable juice. Take a 200 ml of spinach juice in a 100 ml of cucumber and beet juice and 300 ml of carrot juice. Mix this well and drink it everyday which is effective for pneumonia treatment.

Apart from all the home remedies for pneumonia, a well-balanced diet which is emphasized on fresh fruits and raw vegetables is an over all effective treatment for pneumonia. In addition to all these avoid stimulant

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