Personality Assessment Essay

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Personality assessments or tests in the workplace have been proven to be beneficial. They help companies and employers choose the best person to hire for their specific company. They provide a number of questions that potential employees go through and answer to their best ability, which then allows employers an insight of what this person is truly like. They also show how well that person will work with the employees already hired and what position or level they will work the best in within that company. Personality assessments have been becoming more popular, because they help companies hire the best person for the position that they need to fill. They help companies hire the best person, who will most likely last in that company and be able …show more content…

She is the president and CEO of Birkman International. Her first reason for doing personality tests before hiring a new employee is because it allows you to find out who you’re dealing with. They give you an insight of the true person and character the person you are potentially hiring is. She also says they help determine if they’re going to stick around and help employees be the best they can. It allows employers to decide if this person is qualified and going to last. They help you find out who your leaders are and make your leaders stronger. They give you an insight to see what abilities they have and what position they will fit the best in. They create and design teams that last. They also place employees where they’ll be the happiest and stop fights before they begin. If two employees personalities clash, the drama can be avoided by placing them in different areas of the business. Lastly, they also help sales work with other divisions and help everyone find out more about your co-workers. I found all of the different reasons why she approves of personality tests very informal and sensible, I especially liked the one where she talks about stopping fights before they even begin because I had never even thought about that one! Therefore, personality assessments can be very …show more content…

printed in the Washington Post. She doesn’t believe that personality tests should be necessary or required. They allow other people to know “psychological intimacies” about your life, which should not be shared unless permitted by the person who took the test. She thinks they’re beneficial to companies, but not necessarily for team-building. These tests often put labels on people, because if the test reveals a certain personality about you, but your actual personality is a mixture of personalities, co-workers are going to stereotype you and label you with characteristics that fall under that specific personality. Therefore, they invade your privacy and create labels that aren’t always correct. She agrees that the test can help build a great, working relationship among co-workers, but doesn't think that the results of these tests should be shared among a group setting without consent from the person who it is about. I thought this article was interesting because it provided another aspect about the topic of personality assessments, and did a great job of explaining her reasoning! Overall, she thinks they can be beneficial but should be confidential, unless the person who took the test agrees to have their results

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