Interview For Personal Interview

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After cracking the MBA entrance exams, getting in to a premier B-school, securing good grades equipping yourself two years and the final frontier comes up, placements the last hurdle. After clearing the preliminary screening and rounds of tests and group discussions the only thing in-between you and your dream job is the personal interview. It’s important that you crack it, this article gives you an overview on preparing yourself for personal interview with all those dos and don’ts in a nutshell.

A job interview is one of the most drawn-out and intimidating ways of making first impression. It’s also your opportunity to get on an employer’s good side, which can give you a distinct edge.
Basic Interviewing Tips
Research the company and the position offered. Understand the company‘s products/services, clientele, culture etc.
Dress appropriately, professionally and conservatively. No excessive jewelry or other accessories which will distract the interviewer.
Prepare common interview questions. Like (Tell me about yourself?, where do you see yourself 5 or 10 years from now ? Etc.).
Arrive early at least by 10 – 15 minutes.
Bring a professional folder with a certificates, notepad, pen, passport sized photographs, EXTRA RESUMES, and a list of references.
Offer a solid handshake when you get the chance. Remember to SMILE!
Do not sit down before the interviewer asks you to. Wait to be shown where to sit or to be asked to be seated.
Make good eye contact. Don’t fidget with pens, tie, file, or your hands. Try to keep hands still or beside in your lap. If crossing your legs, avoid shaking your leg or foot.
Sit up upright, yet in a relaxed posture.
Don’t speak very fast. Speak clearly...

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... properly and softly while you leave don’t bang the door while exiting.

7. Salary negotiations
Salary negotiations have to be done carefully, the golden rule is “make the sale first, then discuss the price”. The employers hire a candidate who they think will bring the greatest value to the company. Therefore start negotiating salary only after the interviewer makes the offer. Remember salary is only a part of the compensation take other factors such as learning opportunities, career advancement, work culture, diversification of CV, work environment Etc. all have to be taken into account.

8. Summary
Finally at the end of the day the main factor for success is the attitude, always be positive and friendly. Keep yourself cool and confident to do well. Even if you fail once it will be a lesson to learn and make yourself better and more confident for the next time.

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