An Example Of My Personal Philosophy Of Success

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Throughout our lives we all experience a variety of things that help us define what success means to us. Some people look at success in a materialistic sense, while others take a more spiritual approach. Regardless of the way we view success or the factors that influence that view, we each have our own very unique Personal Philosophy on the subject. Personally, my philosophy is that the implementation of success strategies is key to achieving what one chooses to define as success. I have found that the three most effective success strategies I can use for years to come are being a critical thinker, improving concentration, and being an active listener. All three of these strategies are very practical and relevant to both my educational and professional pursuits, and therefore have proven to be the most effective in regards to my Personal Philosophy of Success. …show more content…

Many times this information was on subjects such as economics, social issues, or current events. Subjects such as those are always open to debate and as a college student, I many times had to decide how I personally felt about them. The textbook describes critical thinking as “identifying, thinking about, reflecting on, and evaluating information in order to solve a problem or make a decision”. This process allowed me to form my own opinions on many different subjects and ultimately affected the career path I chose to follow. Personally, I feel that the ability to use reason and make decisions about new information or ideas I was exposed to directly affected and still does affect my success not only as a student but my success in

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