Word Organic Food

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The word “organic” serves as a noun or as an adjective. The word “organic” - noun is not used so much. On the other hand, word “organic” as an adjective is the most familiar. The word itself supports other nouns and change their meaning and significance like: organic food or organic product, organic meat and so on. According to “The Free Dictionary”, word “organic” consist of seven different meaning that serve different field of study like: in biology, chemistry, medicine, science and agriculture and so on (Organic. 2016. In The Free Dictionary.Com. Retrieved January 30, 2016, from http://www.thefreedictionary.com/organic).
In this paper, I would not focus on word “organic” by referring to science, chemistry or medicine, as most people including myself, don’t have the knowledge to elaborate with aptness about this specific areas. I will focus on word “organic’ which I will pertain to the food, as this topic is one of the most interesting, important and familiar subject for many people, as it affect all of us, while choosing the food we buy and eat every day. …show more content…

2016. In The Free Dictionary.Com. Retrieved January 30, 2016, from http://www.thefreedictionary.com/organic). “Organic food” however refers literally to: “grow or made without the use of artificial chemicals, not using artificial chemicals, of relating to, or obtained from living things” (Organic. 2016. In Merriam-Webster.com. Retrieved January 30, 2016, from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/organic). In other words, the organic food is the one that grow or is produce without any use of antibiotics, chemicals, artificial addictive or preservatives. All these chemical substances enhance animal’s growth, fruits and vegetables longevity/ability to stay fresh or products ability to prolong

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