Online learning Vs Traditional learning

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E-Learning and traditional classroom learning are the styles of learning. Many conversation is going on this topic that which is the best learning styles? or which of the learning should be eliminate? As nothing is perfect, learning styles also has its pros and cons.
Internet learning is also known as E-Learning. It can be accessed any-time, anywhere in this world. According to Dr. Allison Rossett, she said; “The delivery of learning, training or education program by electronic means. E-Learning involves the use of a computer and electronic device to provide training, education or learning material” Rossett consider that e-Learning gives us three things: Knowledge, Performance support and Learning. Knowledge is about working information available on demand like if question arises, students can ask to their instructor immediately and listen to answer of the instructor and students can also participates in the online studies or suggest their information in blogs or Wikipedia. According to her, Performance support is a helper, it delivers information, processes and give their comment on the questions. Dr. Rossett considers Learning as compelling, vivid, and authentic.

According to the University of Mumbai, the arrival of Information Communication Technology (ICT) had changed the whole world, and it is also an ongoing process to improve the world. The new ICT revolution has authorized academic institutions to provide more open and stretchy learning environment for students. The Internet is the most transformative technology in past for reshaping business, media, entertainment, and the society in many varied ways. Computer based learning and teaching is highly increasing in education. The mixture of new informative technologies su...

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...; the eLearning course is also available for other students. It supports the organization by improving training costs and decreasing material costs. E-learning supports learning organization and online community like ongoing access to the resource and also motivate to share via internet.

Works Cited

Rossett, Allison. "E-Learning-What’s old is new again." 20 Jan 2012.
Quintana, Yuri. "Evaluating the Value and Effectiveness of Internet-Based Learning." Retrieved July, 1996
Sullivan, N and Pratt, E. “A comparative study of two ESL writing environments: A computer-assisted classroom and a traditional oral classroom.” Elsevier, 1996
Hendricks, S. “Advantages & Disadvantages of Classroom Learning." 1999-2012. Web. eHow. 3 June 2012.

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