My Reflection Of My Strengths In The Classroom

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I will start off with the question I asked at the beginning of week one. What are your strengths? At the beginning of this class, I answered this question by stating, I did not know what my strengths were if someone asked me. After taking this course I can now say that my strengths are, I am an achiever, the intellection, the realtor, the learner, and input. All of the words are what describes me in life. As time progressed. I realized that I have been using these skill the entire time. However, I never really knew I was using these skill until I took the Strength 's Finder Assessment. I have discovered that when a person knows their strengths it can lead them to their purpose. I believe that once a person finds their purpose his purpose in life he can create and impact in the world. I believe that everyone is special and unique. I have realized that I can …show more content…

One has to use their strengths to their advantage. I think that at my job I can use my five strengths to dealing with people in general or when a thing becomes stressful. For example, when there is an irate customer, I can use my realtor skill when someone is upset. I can set back and hear what he or she has to say. If I offer my listening skills and help them in their life. I have discovered that often times people want you to listen to them and their concerns. Furthermore just as I am using my realtor skill, I am also utilizing my learner skill. I am absorbing all the information to get a life lesson. It could be that I should listen more to people and not talk as much or give someone the encouraging when he or she is having a bad day. I think that

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