Reflective Essay On Youth Culture

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While I was creating these questions, I was almost certain I knew how they would answer to a majority of the questions, because I am not that old and I feel like I still know what is cool and what is not cool. After asking them some questions, I had realized I was wrong. They gave me a whole new perspective on the youth culture and gave me great insight on how they view and think things. I asked them a variety of questions from “what is the latest fad” to “have you felt like you have had to grow up faster because of social media”? Some of their responses blew me away, and some of them even broke my heart for them. I began with some general questions to warm them up to me- nothing too deep yet. One of the first questions I asked was, “What …show more content…

She said, “it sucks! People are meaner and our parents do not know how to handle it and help us through situations when we need them.” I honestly paused a little bit after she said that, and had to let it sink in. It really just goes to show that times have changed, the culture has changed, and some parents have disconnected themselves from their teenagers lives and have not taken the time to understand …show more content…

WHAT. I remember when I was young, that if I ever said a bad word (because I did not know what was a bad word and what was not) I would get soap in my mouth and put in time out, but now it seems like it is perfectly acceptable for students to deliberately cuss nowadays. Another question I asked them was, “how do you decide if something is cool or not?” The responses were pretty much the same, “if my friends are doing it”, “it depends on how much I actually care about whatever it is”, “if the popular kids are doing it”, and “if everyone is talking about it”. Those are the answers I had expected. The decide if things are cool or not by the responses of others. The next question I asked them was, “how do you communicate with your friends?” You will never guess what their response was: SOCIAL MEDIA. When I asked why, one of the boys said “because my mom can’t take me everywhere!” I could not help but laugh, because I remember the struggle of asking my dad to take me everywhere. Of course other answers were that it was just all around easier to communicate to them that

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