The Reflection Of My Philosophy About Writing

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I first want to start off by saying this was the first summer course I have ever taken and it was definitely a learning experience. I have learned a lot through the course of this class. The thing that I have learned is that a first draft really is a just first draft and not the finished product. Previously I would usually just do one draft and turn it in as my finished revision. This class has taught me that my old method of doing things is unacceptable. When I revised my essays this course I realized how many dumb mistakes that I made throughout the paper; whether it be punctuation, misspelled words, or disorganization. I also believe this is where my writings improved the most. Ever since the first class you said that revision is
Like I said before, this is the first time that I have actually taken the time to thoroughly revise my work. The entire writing process has changed for me during the course of this semester. Each and every step to the writing process is crucial for a well-rounded essay. For each essay I wrote during the semester I followed the same procedure. First, I would think of an idea and try to write down as much as I could about it. For example, during the prewriting stage for the analytical essay I brainstormed how my commercial was similar and different from the commercial Scholes analyzed. This was extremely useful because it helped me layout a well organized skeleton of my paper before I started writing. After getting all of my thoughts down I would begin to write my rough draft. This was an opportunity to add to my immature ideas. I would not strive to write an A+ paper my first attempt, but I would try to organize my thoughts into a way that would make the most sense. Organization was key for me while writing the rough draft. I believe that organization is one of the most important things when it comes to writing because without it your thoughts will be all over the place and not have a

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