Professor Daniel Stuart: Genre Analysis

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My English 1310 course was taught by Professor Daniel Stuart. He taught us the concept of academic writing and why it is important. Academic writing is the process of breaking down ideas, using a formal tone, deductive reasoning and third person. Writing done to carry out the requirements of a college or university on a research based level. It requires a starting point or introduction, followed by a thesis on the preferred topic, then comes proving and disproving of the evidence based arguments. It is important because it is a way to communicate our thoughts clearly and originality. It helps us think and see what evidence we can come up to contribute to that thinking. This course approached this idea of academic writing by exploring further …show more content…

This essay required us to develop an argumentative analysis that explains what you are expected to do in order to complete the assignment. The argument must center on how the specific writing assignment defines the work of writing. The assignment given to us was called a Problem/Solution essay. I had to write this essay, explaining what requirements the teacher had and how the students were to complete this assignment. The prompt for this assignment was called “Intercultural Viewpoints within Asian-American Studies”. To complete this assignment, the students were asked to introduce a solution to the problem they specified. The teacher requested the students to turn a 2 page typed rough draft to turn in on Monday, November 16thand a 2 copies of the 3-5 page final revised essay turned in on Tuesday, November 23rd. This teacher didn’t want this use of online material incorporated in the essay nor did the instructor want the thesis too general. When I turned in my essay, I could see the professor’s corrections and feedback was getting shorter. I still had the typical grammatical errors and sentence fragments, but there were not as many. I could see my writing skills were improving based on me actually taking the instructors corrections and advice into consideration. When I created my revision memo for this essay, I attempted to finally perfect the common mistakes I had made. Making my sentences a little longer …show more content…

Professor Stuart used a lot of discussions in the class. Everyone in class offered their opinion on all the material we encountered during the course. The class discussions contributed to helping me learn because it provided me with extra information and different viewpoints of how others interpreted the material. Also, we ended up going to the library and taking a tour. This experience added to my learning in this course because it taught me how to find the proper materials in the library and how to accurately benefit from the sources available in the library. Another contributing factor was the individual conferences scheduled by the professor. The conference contributed because the teacher discussed the current grade I had in that class and helped me understand what I needed to do to improve my academic writing along with my grade. The Prezi PowerPoints encouraging my learning by providing me with accurate information, further helping me understand the underlying material. Peer review also played a role in my learning because it allowed us to get outside ideas or criticism for our paper, allowing us to fix the mistakes, before turning it in. In addition to all these contributing factors, the hupomnemata really benefited me the most. The hupomnemata is a journal used for writing down notes on the material and some things the professor said in

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