The Story Of Velocity Nine

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Popping pills and sticking needles down the entire length of your body sounds like a lovely way to spend free time. If you try hard enough, you might even die. Seems fun, right? Well, a matter of fact it is not. Drug abuse is a serious matter and always has been. It slips throughout your body and gives you temporary advantages but kills you over time. A great example on a more friendly level is Velocity Nine. A villain took it to gain incredible speed in attempt to beat the super hero, Flash. It was a drug that would make the weakest feel remarkably strong and let them do unimaginable things, just as a baseball player uses steroids to hit consecutive home runs. But, just as Steroids do, Velocity Nine lead to the villain 's death. He couldn’t live without it. It made his weaknesses disappear but soon after, so did his pulse. The story of Velocity Nine isn’t just part of a script. It expands beyond the screen and should send chills down every individual 's spine. Luckily, the required knowledge to help understand why addiction occurs and how to prevent it from …show more content…

When tampered with, nothing positive comes with it. Sadly children face situations or rules parents may feel are beneficial but actually aren’t, such as a hefty amount of discipline. This makes the child susceptible to antisocial behavior. That in mind, the child might look for different solutions to cure their discomfort, sometimes illegal. Abuse is another social deterrent. Children who are abused tend to drop out of school and throw their lives away. Drugs alone can also aid in doing the same thing, pushing people away and creating an antisocial atmosphere for the child. Bullying in schools can affect an individual 's self esteem forcing them into seclusion. Another possibility is their own peer group. Many kids go through peer pressure and sometimes it gets the best of even the most clean kids around. One wrong puff or sniff can plummet a good child into a poor

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