Key Factors, Intrinsic And Extrinsic Motivation In The Workplace

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Motivation in the workplace can be inspired on the team level or individual level. Both of these levels can be determined through the primary factors, intrinsic or extrinsic motivation. In order to understand new approaches to motivation and improving work performance, you have to know the key factors which are being intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is something that is motivated by internal factors as opposed to the drivers of extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is primarily motivated by external factors. Each of these motivators has different motives that drive them. Intrinsic motivation tends to drive people to do the right things for the fun of it while extrinsic motivation drives people to do things for …show more content…

All extrinsic rewards come from the outside of an individual, but the rewards vary in types. Kendra Cherry (2015) found “motivation can come from the outside, such as the motivation to win medals, receive financial rewards, and attract attention from the media” (p.1). The most common type of extrinsic incentive is financial, such as a salary increase or additional bonus. Some extrinsic rewards can be benefits or materials such as insurance or company vehicles. Also, an intangible extrinsic reward can have paid time off benefits. Some managers may reward an employee with social rewards such as prestige (status), recognition, or positive feedback. Other possible extrinsic rewards given to an employee consist of finer offices or marked parking spots. Although, the implementation of extrinsic rewards has its direct positive results, it contains some negatives as well. Ingram (2015) further explains, “Extrinsically motivated employees require closer supervision to keep their performance high, allowing managers to closely watch and guide employees while they work” (2). While one individual employee might not be bothered by the implementation of close supervision by their supervisor, a dissimilar employee might be. Other issues pertaining to drive extrinsic motivation include cost, short-term results, and experiencing a burn out. The cost of rewarding an employee with …show more content…

Competence gives employees a sense of satisfaction and even pride (K. Thomas. 2009). An example of competence at the group level could start with a team of employees all working on different tasks to accomplish one common goal. By assigning everyone to a specific task, each employee gains a sense importance knowing that they will be responsible for certain obligations that they must perform well in order for the group to succeed. After each member successfully completes her or his tasks, and the overall goal is accomplished, the group will feel a sense of satisfaction as a whole knowing that each person did their part to the best of their abilities, which in turn made the entire group look good. They also may feel happy about being able to successfully work with others in general. Although a sense of satisfaction is gained after completing the project, members must keep a sense of progress in order to stay motivated to complete the

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