Wage Differences Essay

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Evaluate the view that wage differentials are only a reflection of differences in the marginal productivity of workers. Wage differentials are the different rates of pay for the same general type of work, due to a variety of reasons such as differences in performance. Marginal productivity is the difference in how much a worker produces compared to another. There are many reasons for the difference in wages within an industry such as the amount of risk involved, the amount of human capital the individual has and the differences in productivity and amount contributed to the firm. These are just three of many reasons for differences in wages rather than just marginal productivity. There are also external reasons for wage differences that may have nothing to do with individual’s …show more content…

The idea is that those who have invested money into their education and acquiring skills should be rewarded. However, this doesn’t create a bid difference in wages, as it would be discriminating to those who could possibly not afford it. However, this is a very tame example of discrimination. Most cases of discrimination deal with gender or ethnicity. Even though it is hard to prove racism and sexism, there have been several cases where women or ethnic minorities have claimed that they are being paid less and treated worse that their ‘normal’ counterparts. Even though some would say that it is a very sceptical standing point, some claims have been backed up in court settlements. In the case of gender pay gap, people would argue that there are a variety of factors explaining the reasons for the difference in wage such as part-time working, geographical mobility and less human capital. However, you cannot dismiss the evidence that women and ethnic minorities do earn less money on average then the male majority so it cannot be dismissed as a factor affecting wage

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