My Clinical Experience

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The biggest thing that is circling my head after this clinical experience is failure; I feel like an absolute failure. I could not seem to get anything right throughout this entire clinical experience not just from the last twelve hours of nurse management. These last hours were especially daunting because all I could think was you have not been good enough every time, and you are not going to be good enough this time. I kept feeling that I was also just a disappointment to my clinical instructor, Deb, every time, and that she should have been assigned someone else. I still learned so much, which is a good thing. I know part of my issue with all of this was me being terrified of Deb, and I do not understand why. I was finally able to accomplish my last smart goal, which was knowing what procedures needed to have Time-Outs performed hospital wide. Time-outs need to be performed for peripheral nerve blocks, spinals, epidurals, bone marrow, and any procedure where instruments will be inserted into a body orifice
We had a patient have a seizure instead of getting involved with that patient, I watched over the other patient we had in the PACU. I know as a nursing student I am supposed to get involved in everything; it was not me trying to be lazy I just did not want be in the way. There was already seven people surrounding her, I did not see how I could have helped any. I know that it was mistake not to get involved; it would have been a good learning opportunity. Then the second thing I did wrong was not being as diligent as I should have been; I told our patient after surgery that her hysterectomy went well when she has a tubal done. I had written the correct procedure down but misspoke. It made me feel like a first class idiot. If I could have left then and there I would have; that patient did not deserve to have to deal with me. Overall, I cannot think of a single thing that I did well those

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