Anantative Essay: An Argument Against Abortion

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Every time a person talks about abortions you hear someone say they are for it or against it. Some people think every life matters and some think women have the right to choice on the matter. Some people believe it’s only okay to have a termination of pregnancy if the life of the mother or the life of the child is in danger. There are so many different ways people are okay with the killing of innocent unborn children. I myself believe that the killing of the unborn is wrong. Definition of abortion- induced expulsion of a fetus from the womb before it can survive on its own. I have went around asking many of my friends who are either pro-life or pro-choice why they feel the way they do and you will be surprised at some of the response’s I got. I will not be using the real names of these people since I told them I would not put their identity on public. When I went around asking …show more content…

Since life begins at the point that an egg is fertilized abortion is thought of as murder as it is the act of taking human life. Abortion is thought of as an act of evil. No normal civil country accepts abortion. Adoption is another way of not committing abortion it would save the children and no one would have to kill any babies anymore. There is 1.5 million American families wanting to adopt child, there are no unwanted children in America. A woman who has an abortion has higher risks in any future pregnancies she may ever have like the risk of ectopic pregnancies doubles, and the chance of a miscarriage also increases. Rape and incest, the right doctors can make sure a woman does not get pregnant. Abortion is just another evil way of killing and punishing the unborn child who did nothing wrong, the criminal who raped or if incest happened that should be the person punished. Everyday abortion is somehow used as a form of birth control by women who for some reason or another did not want the child and did not take the right precautions to not get

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