Julius Caesar´s Death: Analysis

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Should Julius Caesar have been killed? This question has plagued history for years without a real answer. Julius Caesar was corrupt and all powerful, and his death saved Rome. It really is that simple; he declared himself dictator for life and ignored the Senate’s power. A man with that much power can only hurt a nation.
Julius Caesar was a blood thirsty man. He fought everyone he could just to extend Rome. ("Julius Caesar." ) He savagely killed anyone that got in his way. Many may say that he was a legendary and should be remembered as a great warrior, but should murderers be praised? Genghis Khan was a great warrior, he created the largest empire in history. Is he remembered well? No, because he was brutal and merciless. Caesar was also merciless. He killed without remorse in the name of Rome. If a United States general started killing innocent people in the name of the United States, he’d be arrested for crimes against humanity. Just because someone says that they are doing something for their country doesn’t make it okay. The Roman Senate realized that and didn’t want him in charge of their nation.
Julius declared himself dictator for life. ("Internet History Sourcebooks.” ) He was not chosen by the people to rule, but by himself. In Rome, kings were not well remembered and people worried that Julius Caesar was becoming as a king. The Senate especially was worried that Caesar was ignoring them and their suggestions for Rome. Rome was a republic at the time and no man was to rule alone, but Caesar had begun to just that. All laws in Rome were passed by the Senate. ( Van Der Crabben, Jan. ) Caesar used his popularity to create allies and pass only the laws that he saw fit. Eventually, after he completely undermined the entire...

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...wanted to see that happen again and Julius Caesar came too close. What other choices did these men have? They couldn’t let a corrupt leader rule a country they loved, they had to protect it and that is worth one man’s life.

Works Cited

"The Assassination of Julius Caesar, 44 BC." The Assassination of Julius Caesar, 44 BC. Ibis Communications Inc, 2004. Web. 15 Feb. 2014. .
"Internet History Sourcebooks." Internet History Sourcebooks. Fordham University, Aug. 2000. Web. 15 Feb. 2014. .
"Julius Caesar." Julius Caesar. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Feb. 2014. .
Van Der Crabben, Jan. "Roman Republic." Http://www.ancient.eu.com/. N.p., 28 Apr. 2011. Web. 17 Feb. 2014. .

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