It was Picture Day

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September 26...picture day. Everyone in Hoofer Middle School was dressed up for their picture...the picture that would be in the yearbook forever. There are two groups of people here at Hoofer Middle School. The populars and the unpopulars. Stephanie Blake was the queen of the populars. She had everything. Her 16-year old brother, Alec, is the captain of the high school soccer team, her dad is the CEO of ESPN, her mother is an award winning actress, and her 18 year old sister is married to Liam Sharden, the best actor ever! She is five foot six, smooth blonde hair with natural hazel-brown highlights and sea-blue eyes. Her family is the ultimate millionaire! Even Bruno Mars doesn’t have that much money! Ok...maybe he has way more than that! Everyone adores her. She has a boyfriend, Johnny, who is the captain of the school’s basketball team. On the other hand, we have the unpopulars. The geeks, the nerds, the people who just didn’t have a high social status in school. The queen of this group is Lila Hemmington. She is the type of girl who has nothing. Her mother and father are strugg...

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