Celebrity Influence Society

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Celebrities--love them or hate them--have become an epidemic in today’s society and will continue to negatively affect those who continually position them in influential parts of life. The word “celebrity” is derived from the word “celebrate,” in that a person is supposedly famous because the community celebrates him or her (Wright 1). Celebrities influence the public in many negative ways, and since the invention of television and the internet, even more are affected each and every day, and lifestyles are more influenced in today’s society. Gossip magazines are only still around due to people’s fascination with celebrities in the public eye. News channels most likely than not have now relied on celebrity gossip to gain and maintain viewers in the twenty-first century. The reality of today’s media and celebrity culture is that public figures with a spotlight on them, either because of good or bad reasoning, are the role models of the twenty first century (Aalai 1). There is no shortage of celebrities and pop stars who have adopted the mindset that there is no such thing as a negative publicity (Huston, et al. 3), and because of this, celebrities more negatively than positively affect society’s public eye of today. Celebrity lifestyles have become increasingly more prevalent in today’s society, especially to teens and younger adults; they negatively affect its viewers through means of advertising products and self-images, including the fashion industry, unreal lifestyles portrayed across reality TV shows, and the news of the aftermath showcased to the public.
Celebrities often endorse products created by themselves or are paid to advertise for a particular product for negative reasons only related to the increase in revenue for the...

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...d has negative effects on it’s viewers. They were only created with the temptation of money in the pockets of producers. Moreover, news agencies add even more coverage of the already prevalent mistakes created by celebrities.They continue to follow the negativity of celebs when they should in fact be following the positive aspects of the world and it’s societies. Lifestyles of today’s celebrities are abused by the mediums of modern day viewers that unproportionally unbalance negative and positive actions of those in the public eye. A person who does not place emphasis on a celebrity’s lifestyle will not be affected negatively by which a person who intentionally involves themselves in the life of fame and fortune. Celebrities and their lifestyles are too prevalent to the public eye and will continue to be with effective media coverage that today’s society craves.

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