The Positive And Negative Effects Of Social Media Around The World

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The Effects of Social Media Social media is any website that allows social interaction many people from around the world . Many people from around the world using social media and many people are joining sites such as Facebook , Twitter , Instagram , or many more . They joining to interact with their friends, family , or even with the strangers. Social media in this era was so important , the example is ,in Indonesia there are 63 million active internet users in Indonesia, and 95 percents from that are using internet for access social media , this data is based from Kemenkominfo ( Ministry of Communication and Information) . Social media are used for chatting , searching , found a new friend , and many more .Social media can be used as a very helpful tool in your life , but of course social media will give an effect for our life . It will effect in positive or negative effects for our life , so I’m gonna explain the argument about the effects of social media in our life. …show more content…

Have we ever realized that we spend many hours for social media only ? or have we ever realized, that social media decreased our productivity ? Yes , we spend a lot hour for playing social media in a day , but the negative effects is we can’t do our task on time , for example is a student have a task, but the student play social media until midnight , so the student have to finish their task after play the social media , and of course it decreased the productivity . Beside decrease our productivity, it makes people lazy to do their task on time because . Beside all of that , we also heard if many people play social media including play game online in one day full , so they just sit and play , but they didn’t do any thing , they just focus on their games online or social media and forgot their daily

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