The Positive Influence Of Religion

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What has caused the most war, pain, and strife in the world? Religion. What has taught people to be kind, to love, to help one another? Religion. It has cowed many into worship and coaxed many into prayer. For some their entire world and existence is based on the principle that religion shall determine their next life, or lives, whether that be the afterlife or the next life on earth. That principle, in positive instances, has lead many into a life free of conflict, free of poor decisions, and free of unjust actions against others. In negative instances, it has been used as a basis for determining who is fit to live or to control entire populations of people. Besides these there are millions of examples of how religion has affected lives and how people view religion. An example of how different groups of people can have …show more content…

Most religions promote a loving relationship with most people and help teach lessons such as turning the other cheek or to love your neighbor as you love yourself. These are both popular sayings given to us by the church. We cannot let the deeds of some corrupt people obscure the good intentions of religion. For many people it is a source of positive influence in their lives. Often, for people recovering from Alcoholism, drug abuse, or sickness, people who have list their way in life, religion and its rules on living a good life have helped them get back on track. Another thing to think about is mission trips, churches go out and do good deeds in the name of god or to spread their belief, not through violence and force, but through commendable actions and just worship. However, these actions require money, and what happens if that money is used in the wrong way, or someone gets greedy. We have seen an example here in Hudson where a religious leader embezzled vast sums of money and scammed his followers and disgraced himself and his

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