Why Is Psychology Important Essay

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According to Google, psychology is “the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context.” A simpler explanation would be that psychology is the study of how the human mind works, and why people do the things that they do. It is important to study this branch of science for a few reasons, the first being that when we do this, we have a better understanding of ourselves. We can understand not only our actions, but our thoughts, on a deeper level. Knowing how other people’s minds work, and the thoughts behind the actions they demonstrate is also a reason to study psychology. When someone acts out or does something they shouldn’t, we have the ability to sympathize with them better, as …show more content…

Having sympathy towards someone, and not reacting in a negative way, will allow for much healthier and safer relationships. This in turn allows for better communication, creating more effective businesses. Clearly psychology is a key study in our daily life, allowing for a better understanding of ourselves, others, and communications between each other, overall strengthening our daily life, and enhancing our understanding of the human mind. Getting to know oneself is a simple action that we do everyday, learning a little bit more each day. Getting to know yourself is half of the battle, which most of us have mastered the skills of doing. This knowledge is the basis of psychology, and many of us do not even know that we are accessing our psychological side when we do this. It is important to know how our mind works, and why we do the things we do, so we can see what makes us tick. When we know this, we have the ability to control ourselves in situations we would otherwise panic or crack in. There are six key psychological facts that educate us as to how our minds work. For one, there is the Pratfall effect, which says that if you show your imperfections, your likeability will increase for …show more content…

When one studies psychology, they can better their communications skills by automatically knowing or assuming what someone is thinking and how they are interpreting a conversation. When one has better communication skills, they are more likely to succeed in life. For business owners, this is very important. Not only do they have to manage their portion of the job, but they have to overview everyone else’s and watch how they interact with co-workers and other people. Business owners know about the feeling of reciprocity, which is where if someone is given something, they feel inclined to give something back. With business owners, they know that if they give out raises, they are more likely to have harder working employees. Business owners, as well as many other successful people know, that one is more likely to be influenced by someone they like than by someone they don’t. This is because they idolize them, and view them as not necessarily superior to themselves, but definitely to others. In relation to all of this, the study of psychology allows for one to avoid conflict, by realizing what they are doing wrong, or how one is perceiving them to be wrong. If one knows, or can predict, how someone is going to respond to a situation, they can predict and act on the interactions

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