The Harlem Renaissance History: I Too, Too Am America

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History Of The Harlem Renaissance The Harlem Renaissance was a time where culture, social interaction, intelligence and creativity kicked off with a huge bang because of African American authors, artists, musicians, photographers, poets, and scholars says the History Channel. The Harlem Renaissance began in the year 1917 and extended to the mid-1930s but, in this time frame there were famous writers such as Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, James Weldon Johnson, Claude McKay, and many others who made this time an unforgettable moment in history says the Poetry Foundation. In the Harlem Renaissance it was more than just a culture, social and poetic movement: what it really was African Americans fighting for their rights such as civil and political but, what else they were fighting for was equality, justice and wanting the reign of suffering to end and bring the day that freedom rings. Though the Renaissance movement did not bring everyone’s attention to the matter of the injustice of the Jim
Although the speaker does not let it get to him he actually laughs and says “Tomorrow, I’ll be at the table” meaning one day where he will sit at the table and be equal also after he says that he says “They’ll see how beautiful I am” showing her will have his own identity in the white community. Another poem that is relevant to the theme Hughes wrote is the poem "What happens to a dream deferred?" in this poem the speaker asks what happens if dreams are postponed. The speakers offers answers to the question such as “if they fester like sores” or they “rot like meat” but, in the end he ask if they explode which is the answer to his question meaning that dreams can come true such as how the speaker probably dreams of having their own dream and

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