Negative Essay On Fracking

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When thinking about unbelievable science experiments, experiments such as a flashlight that runs body heat comes to mind. How about a science experiment that makes it so people are able to set fire to water? People in parts of the United States, are able conduct this experiment at any given moment. How is this possible? Simple, local fracking. Fracking is technique being used in the industry to be able to release and harvest natural gas with the Earth. As global climate change continues to be a head line in the news, fossil fuels, such as natural gas which comes from fracking, will also continue to be a point of controversy. Though fracking does have this negative connotation around it due to things like the fire water, the effects of fracking cannot all be negative. And as part of this continuous exposure in the news, my friends and I presented on the rhetoric surrounding global climate change, which went pretty well. Though this presentation probably went well since we used the help of Jon Oliver to help explain it, but none the less global climate change has become a point of interest due to it. Along with this, seeing a YouTube clip a few years back about being able to set fire to water was something …show more content…

One of the biggest benefits I found around fracking was the amount of jobs fracking creates locally. Job opportunities are always a plus as it brings people into the community. This can ultimately lead to growth of the local community along with a rise in the local economy. According to a Deseret News Utah article, the economic benefit looks to be pretty outstanding. One study cited in the article showed a wage increase of $66,000 per million dollar production of fracking in the county. If these figures are to be taken as accurate, then benefits of fracking are not completely negligible when it is being compared to the flip

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