Food for Thought

552 Words2 Pages

Food for Thought
Look at almost any health statistic comparing the United States with the rest of the world, and you’ll see that we are disease ridden, overweight, and hyped up on sugar. It doesn’t take much time to realize that our unhealthy habits aren’t just a problem for adults, but that the childhood obesity rates as well as childhood diabetes rates are on the rise. In my opinion, this has a lot to do with what we are serving in public school cafeterias across the nation. On the website Fed Up you can see examples of what’s being served; grease laden pizza, grey mystery meat sandwiches, and a host of other barely distinguishable foods. Schools should be a place of nurturing minds, preparing children for their futures, and teaching them how to care for themselves. What our children are being fed though, is not food for thought; it’s food for fodder. With out of control portions, little to no supervision over what they are eating, and nutritionally lacking items, it’s no wonder why America is so unhealthy.
In many countries around the world that serve school lunches, you see a w...

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