Healthy School Lunches

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The creamy-chocolate taste of a delectable warm brownie and the salty crunch of potato chips are often irresistible, especially for kids. Even though the sale of healthier lunches in school can be more difficult to afford, schools should stop the sale of junk food. Obesity rates among children have tripled since the 1970s, low income students aren’t getting needed nutrition, and we’re causing bad eating habits due to unhealthy school lunches. As a result of healthier lunches we can significantly reduce obesity rates in school, making our students healthier, so spending a bit more money is worth it. America, land of the free, home of the brave and obese children. The number of children with obesity in the U.S. has tripled since the 1970s. WebMD Thus by selling healthy school lunches over junk food we are creating healthy eating habits at younger ages. If kids are custom to eating healthy foods they develop a taste for it, which means they’ll have no problem eating healthy when they’re older. Eating patterns, develop early in life and are very difficult to change. So by selling healthy school lunches we are helping kids well into adulthood. In the United States 20.1 million free lunches are served annually to children living 130% at or below the poverty line. This means low income students who eat reduced or free lunch aren’t getting the nutrition they need. According to research done by The University of Michigan Health System in Ann Arbor, people who eat school lunch have higher cholesterol or LDL (low-density lipoprotein). The study also shows that kids who eat school lunches are more likely to not eat the proper servings of fruit and vegetables, be overweight or obese, as well as not participate in physical activity. For many children free school lunches are the only lunches they get in a week. Even though schools have lost up to $30,000 dollars in attempting to make healthier free lunches, their problems may be solved by cutting a small portion of the budget from each other program. To sum up, low income students aren’t getting their needed nutrition through junk food filled school

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