Difference Between Growth And Growth Mindset

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FIXED MINDSET VERSUS GROWTH MINDSET 2 l would describe a fixed mindset as a roadblock for individuals that would like to do better for themselves. With a fixed mindset you stick to what you know to keep up your confidence, if you fail, you think your efforts were wasted. Individuals with a growth mindset are continuously looking for ways to learn new things. A growth mindset would benefit your learning experience. “In a growth mindset, you keep up your confidence by always pushing in the unfamiliar, to make sure you’re always learning (Derek Sivers)”. There are three ways to instill a growth mindset in ourselves and those around us. First, recognize that growth mindset is not only beneficial, but it is also supported by science.
Second, learn and teach others about how to develop our abilities. Learn about deliberate practice and what makes for effective effort. When we understand how to develop our abilities, we strengthen our conviction that we are in charge of them. Third, listen from you fixed mindset voice, when you hear it, talk back with a growth mindset voice. If you hear “I can’t do it” add, YET (YouTube video). Before I started this class, I had an individual make the comment, “do know how hard it is going to be trying to work and go to school at the same time?” My response was, I wished I would have done this several years ago. Although I know at first, I may face some challenges, I know I will succeed in accomplishing this goal. I see now that this is a growth mindset. A growth mindset is also beneficial in the workplace. You need to acknowledge good behavior, reward individuals when they are doing something right. This will instill a growth mindset and make them want to continue to improve. It is also ok if you have to give constructive criticism as long as you give it on an individual behavior, and not their personality. It is much easier for an individual to change the way
Although I am moving toward a growth mindset, there are a few thoughts holding me back from achieving all that I am capable of doing. I think achievement should come easily and feel a bit discouraged when I perform poorly at something. I believe there is a part of me that is reluctant to risk failure and I am concerned about how other’s will judge me which is a fixed mindset. I know at times; I am too hard on myself. I have always viewed myself as a leader and not a follower, because of this I feel I cannot let anyone down. After watching the video and seeing how Josh Waitzkin sensed that losing his first chess championship made him a better person, I need to let go of this fear. As Josh Waitzkin states “if we win because we are a winner, then when we lose it must make us a loser” I know that mental exercise makes the brain grow smarter—the same way that exercise makes an athlete stronger and faster. A growth mindset is something I know I can

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