Fate In Forrest Gump: Fate And Free Will

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Vy Vu
Fate and Free Will
Honors World Literature
Dr. Sanderson
Fate and Free Will
Marilyn Monroe once said, “I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they 're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” Is fate subjected to one’s actions or is there another force that intervenes? Two choices to pick from, but each decision will result in a different ending. Most people believe they are free to choose whatever they want, however was fate already predestined that makes people decide their fate regardless of choice? Over the centuries, people have pondered upon the fact that integrity, justice, and moral principles play a role in deciding one’s fate. Does this mean that if Odysseus were to put aside his pride and be humble along his journey home, he would not have gone through all that trouble for anything? Is fate uncontrollable even for the Gods to handle? Forrest Gump is born mental …show more content…

As the film opens there is a white feather blowing against the wind as it slowly floats down, eventually landing next to Forrest Gump’s foot. Forrest Gump is sitting on a park bench with a box of chocolates on his lap and he talks to a lady stating, “My momma always said, "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you 're gonna get." While people cannot decide what happens to them, they each have important choices to make in the circumstances in which they find themselves. Gump is born mental disabled, but that never let him down. Rather than prideful like Odysseus, Gump always persevered and humbly did what he believed was right even if society ridiculed him. Does Forrest Gump illustrate the value of justice that happens in the

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