Choice Versus Fate In The Other Wes Moore

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In life, multiple factors work together to influence the choices one makes, and these choices affect both one’s present and their future. In a narrative about two boys who share the same identity, their two seperate lives are compared to one another by the differences of their futures. Choice versus Fate is a theme in The Other Wes Moore that is developed throughout the plot to display how the two forces work together and against each other in the two characters’ lives, and to also emphasize the reality that at times, one’s fate is already pre-destined and the choices that one makes may not be impactful enough to change their destiny. The two Wes Moores in this narrative share a common identity. They have the same name, are from the same place, and they are both black males. As children, they both had the same kind of personalities and traits that are beginning to put them down an unsuccessful path. However, as the two boys begin to grow older, they begin to change differently. Their identities begin to differ when you examine their lives and their incredibly different futures. To begin, the author Wes Moore’s future was one that was positive, due to the choices made by him and his family. His family dynamic and support was strong, and became stronger after his father died of acute …show more content…

The two ultimate choices to send him to a private and a military school, plus Moore’s own choice to not pursue a career in the NBA but to stay in school were three powerful choices that shaped him to become the man he is today. On the other hand, Moore’s destiny is one that is striking differently from the other Wes Moore’s destiny. As previously stated, these two boys who share a similar identity and started in the same circumstances ended up in two discrete places, due to the decisions they made, and what their fates had in store for

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