Mark Zuckerberg's Impact On Social Media

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When "The Facebook" launched in 2004, Mark Zuckerberg himself didn 't expect it to transform into the greatest social media outlet on the Internet. Facebook revolutionized social media and the way businesses can communicate with people. With 1.44 billion active users and 936 million daily users, Facebook is now the #1 marketing resource for all businesses.
In 2004, when Facebook was first developed, Facebook appealed to businesses by offering the opportunity for businesses to display their banner advertisements. During this time, Facebook was primarily for social media interactions, and marketing wasn 't a primary agenda. This system of advertising changed several years later in 2009 when Mark Zuckerberg decided that his large social media platform should promote businesses since the user base was exponentially increasing. Currently, Facebook …show more content…

The main tactic for drawing likes is to be presentable and professional. Profile pictures determine first impressions, and Facebook depends on the compulsivity of users. It takes less than a second to like a post, and then that page remains in a user 's newsfeed and on their profile. First impressions on Facebook are everything.
If a business on Facebook doesn 't develop their Facebook page, users will assume that the business itself isn 't fully developed. It is crucial to fill out the About Me section on a business page. If a user needs to know opening and closing times, prices, and available services, that 's where they will look. It 's accessible and frequently viewed, so it is essential to fill-out.
Once a business draws in a user, they should do what they can to make sure the user doesn 't unlike their page. To do this, a business should post strategically. There should be intention behind every post. Businesses also need to be available and ready to respond to the needs of their customers - this means responding to messages, comments, and reviews with ready and confident

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