Exposure to Sexual Medial in Daily Life

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It is not a secret that today’s society has a huge influence on our daily lives. Whether it is what we wear, what music we listen to, or the most controversial our sex lives. Teens today are exposed to sexual behavior whether they know it or not; such as music videos, commercials, movies, television and social media, but this is a good thing because it makes them aware of their body and are able to know the consequences if they are to take sex for granted. Sex should not be an embarrassing topic to be talked about which is why society has made it an everyday topic as it should be.
Television is a huge way that society has made sex an every day topic in a teen’s life. A network that has emphasized safe sex is the MTV network; with its hit show 16 and pregnant. The show gives teens a look into the world of how it would be if they decided to have unprotected sex, and have to juggle a baby along with school. For some this show is a wake up call and it makes teens more aware of how their life would be if they were to have a baby at such a young age. Many teens believe that they are invincible and that something as big as becoming pregnant will never happen to them, but this show is showing them that they are not invincible and that this can happen to any one no matter how careful they are. This show is a gateway of having teens be more open with their partners about ways that they can be careful, and to really think about the cons about having sex. It is also a gateway for parents and teens to be more open about sex and not have it be a secret of course it will not be a topic at the dinner table but it lets the parents and their children become more aware of the topic. Also at the end of every show they give out a website called www.it...

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...t the consequences. In society sex sells, and as long as some one is making money that is the only thing they will keep glamorizing and never revealing the true consequence of unsafe sex. Society should stick to making celebrities famous, and let teen’s sexuality in the hands of the parents and the school system.
In a time where everything society does influences us sex should be a view that should be spoken about without any embarrassment. Sex should not be something that gets pushed to the side, but it should be something that is more openly discussed about. There are to many teens out there that have no idea how to properly put on a condom, or many girls who have no idea what birth control to take with the only way for teens to get the full picture about sex is to have our society give them a push and lead them to plenty of resources online, and on television.

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