Literature Review Of Teenage Sexuality And Media Practice

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Arielle Massiah SW 7300 Sunday, March 29, 2015 Article Critique Teenage Sexuality and Media Practice: Factoring in the Influences of Family, Friends, and School Jeanne Rogge Steele Literature Review and Theoretical/ Conceptual Framework The social problem that the research addresses is the outrageously high rate of unprotected teenage sexual engagement and encounters. The problem was made apparent due to a survey that disclosed that not only had “three quarters of the 2,439 participants engage in sexual intercourse by their senior year, half of the participants reported that they did not use condoms and one third of the population failed to allocate the use of birth control at all; drastically increasing their exposure to HIV, sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy”. (Steele, 1999, p. 339). The research is most guided by a theoretical framework called the Grounded Theory Approach. The Grounded Theory Approach (GT), first described by Glaser and Strauss in 1967, is an inductively formatted, general method of research that is aimed towards theory development through the data collection process and constant comparative analysis of that data. (Cohen and The Media Practice Model, originated by Steele and Brown in their initial 1995 study on adolescent behavior, uses three of five key concepts to characterize how adolescents shape their own lifestyles in pertinence to the media: Selection, Interaction, and Application. (Steele, 1999, p.334) The effects of mass media on adolescent life practices is exceptionally important to social work research and practice because teens, similarly to adults, are influenced greatly by the media. Unlike adults, however, adolescents lack the experience and knowledge to understand that much of the media is fabricated that life practices that are detrimental to one’s health should not be influenced as greatly by the

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