European Immigration Essay

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European Americans Beginning in the 1800’s, European immigrants came to America in waves, these times were called the Old and New Immigration periods. The old immigration period is associated with immigrants that came from northwest Europe. These groups consisted of the Irish, Germans, and Scandinavians from Sweden and Norway (book). The new immigration period is associated with immigrants from the southern and eastern part of Europe and included the Greeks, Polish, Italians, Jewish, and Russians (book). All of these groups were substantially ethnically different from the WASPs (book). European immigrants decided to migrate to America around the time the American Revolution ended. There are several reasons for which European immigrants decided …show more content…

Among the Irish, the ongoing pressures of population on the resources of Emerald Isle played a role in migration as well (book). The Great Famine also contributed to migration of the Irish (book). The conquering of lands was also a reason for migration. America was seen as a place that had more opportunities when it came to finding labor and healthy lifestyles and living conditions for their families. Many public policies were put into place to benefit or make European Americans feel secure. The Continental Congress established an Indian Department and selected commissioners to take care of issues related to Indian nations, due to Indian affairs being a concern to white Americans (book). American Indians was to be treated as dependent internal nations according to the policy of Continental Congress and legal treaties was made in regards to the use of their land (book). However, without congressional consent this policy prohibited American Indians in Indian Country from selling land …show more content…

Trading between the two groups started in the 1500’s with French and English fishermen purchasing furs from Indians (mpm). Trading continued for centuries. By the 1700’s the French and England fought a series of wars for control of North America. During that time the English colonies had a huger population forcing the French and Indians to team up. Trading between the French and Indians continued because the Indians were interested in European goods (mpm). The fur trade affected how the Indians conducted their seasonal hunting routines. During the summer, they lived in large, semi-permanent villages (mpm). They fished, gathered, and grew crops for food in these villages (mpm). In the winter, they would split up into smaller hunting groups. Indians began their winter hunts earlier as the fur trade grew more important (mpm). They focused on hunting animals that produced valuable furs such as muskrats and beavers, often traveling farther away from their villages

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