Postconventional Morality Essay

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A leader’s morale is one of the most significant aspects of leadership. The level of morality that a leader possesses determines how others will trust and respect them. In our textbook, Kohlberg explains 3 levels of morality that leaders develop to make ethical decisions. The three levels of moral development include, preconventional, conventional, and postconventional. The level of morality I consider myself to operate under is level 3 of postconventional morality. I would also expect my leaders to behave under the same level, given they have a higher authority.

PostConventional Morality Postconventional morality Stage 6 is the level I consider myself to operate under. My parents raised me to understand and acknowledge the difference between right and wrong no matter the benefit. I have incorporated that aspect in to my everyday routine throughout my life. I make my ethical judgments based on consequences to my actions. My actions are not done in the benefit of others, but what my conscience tells me. …show more content…

As of January 1, 2014, the Obama Care, also known as the “affordable care act,” was implemented requiring all Americans to have health insurance. What a lot of American’s do not know is that you can only health insurance certain times of the year, known as the open enrollment period; otherwise you are only able to obtain health insurance if you have a qualifying event. A qualifying event in a few examples are losing health coverage, having a baby, getting married, and etc. Another hidden aspect is if you experience any of these events, you only have 60 days prior to a qualifying event to purchase your insurance. After the 60th day you cannot purchase until the next open enrollment period of the

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