Poverty Tourism Essay

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Philosophical Theories
Both ethics and morality are related to the behavior and or conduct of doing right and wrong. But, it is theory and practice that connects the two to one another making them interchangeable. Ethics focuses more on the theory or rules of behavior whereas morality focuses on the practice or actions of doing right or wrong (Lloyd, 2000). Poverty tourism would be similar to some faith-based organization that visits poverty-stricken countries and communities in the efforts to help improve their citizens for the greater good of society. Therefore, to address morality related to poverty tourism, public policy maker or administrators might use strategies such as those used by Outterson, Selinger, & Whyte (2011/2012) which were …show more content…

Consequently when it comes to poverty tourism, liberal and libertarian public policy makers’ and administrators’ approaches would be considerably different from one another. Liberals believes that the government should be active in supporting social change whereas libertarians believes that individuals should be allowed the right to freedom without government involvement. With that being said from a liberal’s stance, the involvement of the government could possibly limit the efforts of individuals seeking to engage in poverty tourism. While, on the other hand, from a libertarian stance the government would not be able to use their power to prohibit the voluntary exchanges that is involved with poverty tourism (Cato Institute, …show more content…

According to Cooper (2012), organizational culture is the informal set of rituals, myths, values, and norms that exists along with the formal structure of an organization. Therefore, an organization’s culture can influence the creation of ethical and potential unethical policies and practices due to the personal values and morals of the individuals that make up the organization. For example, organizations that set deadlines for enrollment reasons may allow a two or three day grace period after the deadline due to cultural norms or values; which in turns can become an ethical policy and/or practice within the organization. On the other hand, there are other informal structures that could lead to potential unethical policies and/or practices such as the ritual or myths of being a snitch. However, when working together for the common good of society or the company, one must be able to step up and state when there is an issue within as well as be able and willing to correct the issue. In addition to influencing ethical and unethical policies and practices, an organization’s culture might also influence their decision making skills as

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