perfromance pyramid

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Character – An athlete’s attitudes and behaviors that mold one’s values in life. This is the first step towards optimal performance and team success. The building blocks during this step are pivotal in “you” becoming the best “you” can be for the team to be great. • Belief – You must believe in yourself, teammates, coaches, and the system to be the best “you” can be. The actions of the coaches and athletes must be consistent and reflect the values of the program and those in it. • Commitment – You must be committed to the team not to yourself. There is no “I” in team. “Individual commitment to a group effort - that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.” Vince Lombardi • Discipline – You must make a consistent effort to follow the rules and regulations of the program. You must be willing to do the right thing at the right time and put the team first. You must replace bad habits with good habits and stay true to them. • Honesty – Being truthful to yourself and the program is a must. Honesty and integrity are absolutely essential for the program...

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