Write A Rhetorical Analysis To Study The New Testament

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In the reading this week you will reveal the extraordinary journey of rhetorical analysis in efforts to understand the Bible. Studying the New Testament in Greek language is an awesome experience. Rhetorical analysis is when we look at literary work and add structure to it through proper examining of the Bible. Black tells us that rhetorical analysis is much needed when studying the New Testament (Black 80). Through rhetorical analysis we attempt to clarify and understand the Bible in all context. In recent years, rhetorical analysis have become popular among preachers. Rhetorical criticism is one of the steps in properly analyzing the scriptures or passages in the Bible. The rhetorical structure give a person the chance to see the meaning of the text in more than one perspective (Black 81). In my studying this week a new word chiasmus is used in rhetorical studying to draw attention to the passage. The chiasmus is the centerpiece of the passage and the main purpose. Black stated in the reading a good example of chiasmus is when we look at a church bulletin main scripture or passage …show more content…

Black speaks of tradition analysis how the books of the New Testament can sometimes be the final products long and complex process of compiling the writing and editing (Black 82). The Synoptic Gospel can be easily reviewed and criticize for different viewpoints of the meanings. The Redaction criticism regards how a person perceive the scripture. For instance, the Sabbath Day or the issue of divorce is seen differently in the eyes of people. Some minister may preach that divorce is honorable and other may preach that divorce should not be named among the saints. Our ability to preach is how well that we are able to discern the Bible and allow the God to speak through us. Faithfully exegesis the New Testament will enable preachers to preach the word

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