World War 1 Turning Point Essay

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World War I is considered as a turning point in history because it shook European power, completely altered Russian government, brought on a global depression, made America a world power, and set the stage for World War II. Before World War I, European countries were the most powerful in the world, Russia was a monarchy, America had very little power, and most European nations were imperializing and were allied with each other. After World War I, Europe’s governments and economies were shook up, America rose as a global power, Russia became communist, Alliances were split, the world entered a global depression, and the stage for World War II began being set.
Before World War I, European countries were the most powerful in the world, Russia …show more content…

After World War I, many countries, such as Germany, began adopting democracies instead of monarchies. After the Bolshevik Revolution, Vladmir Lenin made Russia a communist nation called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, or the Soviet Union. After World War I left Europe in shambles, Europe turned to America to help them with rebuilding, solidifying America’s place as a global power. Aside from European countries changing and America growing stronger, the world experienced a crippling depression. Germany experienced such an inflation it was cheaper to use money as wallpaper than to buy wallpaper. American stock markets also crashed. This depression, along with German outrage over World War I, set the stage for World War II only 30 years later.
In conclusion, World War I is considered as a turning point in history because it shook European power, completely altered Russian government, made America a world power, brought on a global depression, and set the stage for World War II. Similar to World War I changing European power and setting the stage for World War II, World War II changed European power and set the stage for the Cold

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