What Are The Disadvantages Of Women?

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Often society has said that civil rights are continually becoming more fairly administered to all people groups. They say that the situation is not yet perfect, but that everyday the fight for equality is winning more battles. However, we have to question how many battles are being won for women in business when only 5.2% of fortune 500 companies are run by female CEOs. Since the 1960s the female workforce has dramatically increased and business leadership has also increased dramatically with no female CEOs of fortune 500 companies in 1970. So are there still unfair disadvantages given to women in the business field or is this a battle that has already been won? Certainly the civil rights are equal for both genders, but what factors may make it difficult for a woman to become a fortune 500 CEO in a company where every board member is male. Ambition is a part of femininity so why are women viewed so poorly whey they are ambitious? When women are empowered and stand up for their opinions they are viewed as bitchy. Men that act this way are viewed much more kindly and are given credit for acting strongly. Everyone knows …show more content…

In our society do we still see women as the damsel in distress never the hero? If little girls are still being taught that they’re meant to be the little princess being rescued how is that going to change how they pursue their dreams even if they do choose to pursue a man’s dream. Are our stereotypes making girls not negotiate for themselves because they don’t see themselves as the person that we portray businessmen to be? Women do not negotiate for themselves in the workforce. “A study in the last two years of people entering the workforce out of college showed that 57 percent of boys entering, or men, I guess, are negotiating their first salary, and only seven percent of women”

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