William Shakespeare Research Paper

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Perhaps one of the most well-known authors, William Shakespeare, has created many popular works, which students read and discuss in schools all over the world. Nearly everyone in western culture has heard of him yet his life remains a mystery. For example no one is certain of his date of birth and death, what killed him, or where he went to school. On top of that, for a solid seven years he simple disappeared from all records. Knowing Shakespeare’s real life story will help one understand the man who created such classics like “Romeo and Juliet” and “Hamlet”. By looking into his early years, the start of his career, and his later year’s one can truly understand this literary legend. No one knows the exact date of Shakespeare’s birth however most historians assume that he was born around September 23, 1564. We know Shakespeare’s baptism took place a few days after September 23rd so most assume his birth took place around the 23rd. Shakespeare had four younger siblings and his father worked with leather but he continued to move on to a career as a statesmen. In Shakespeare’s younger years he most likely attended King's New School, in Stratford where he …show more content…

The next historical account of Shakespeare comes in September 20, 1592. Shakespeare finally shows up again in records in an article by London playwright Robert Greene that criticizes him, calling him a “Shake-scene”. Basically the article criticized Shakespeare for trying to exceed his level and compete with more popular and better educated playwrights. Shakespeare continued writing until in 1593 the Black Death returned and the theaters started to close. However from this disaster new opportunities arouse, Shakespeare caught the eye of Henry Wriothesley, the Earl of Southampton who acted as a patron to him with his poetry. After this he published his first two poems the "Venus and Adonis" in 1593 and “The Rape of Lucrece" in

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