Willhelm Von's Impact On The German Education System

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Education in Germany can be traced back to the middle ages, where it existed in the form of church schools. It has come a long way from then and Germany is now considered to have one of the top education systems in the world. Of course it did not start off that way, and it took centuries of history and change to be shaped into how we know it today. During the protestant reformation, Martin Luther- a German monk and catholic priest- advocated the importance of education so that people can learn to read and understand the bible. He proposed that monasteries be turned into schools where people could go and receive the education they need. He also worked on establishing schools and keeping children in them (Faber). Many parents preferred to send their children to work at the time. Later in the sixteenth century, cities came up with the first regulations regarding elementary schools. During this time, many universities were founded as well, but by religious groups. A big change to German education came in 1763, when Prussia who controlled Germany at the time, made school attendance for all children between the age of five and fourteen mandatory (Solsten). By this time, elementary schools had increasingly been separated from …show more content…

His reforms in secondary schools helped shape the German education system to what they are today. They include new requirements for teacher qualification, such as university-level training for high school teachers. He also modernized the structure and curriculum of the Gymnasium, the preparatory school. After the Gymnasium, he proposed that students take a qualifying examination, the Abitur, for university admission. Another big change to Germany education, and education abroad happened in 1837 when Friedrich Froebel-a German educationalist- developed the concept kindergarten that we know today

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