Will Technology Lead Humans To Extinction?

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Will technology lead humans to extinction? There are many popular beliefs that technology will one day become so intelligent that it would render the human existence impractical. Such theory is usually labeled ludicrous by the public but where it is not stamped as an outlandish ideal it’s instead herald as the dawn of an epic endeavor to understanding the mind of god himself. Even so, the inevitable expansion of technology should not be stagnated by ones once-over judgments and assumptions, but rather calmly shepherd with the mentality that in time we humans will learn how to harmonize with its complexity as we have done for Mother Nature and each other. There for a great physicist said “sixteen-century philosopher Michel de Montaigne once wrote, “When I play with my cat, how do I know that she is not playing with me rather than I with her?”(Michio, Kaku, The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, And Empower the Mind) Which is quite an interesting quote because we now have to look at the mind not just as a part of the body, but rather how many units of quantifiable consciousness is in the brain to begin with. Because If that of the brain of the cat was a mere six unit of consciousness and the average human one hundred twenty-eight shouldn’t we ask the …show more content…

When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash. Become like water my friend.” (Bruce Lee) In this aspect even if the world was to meet its peril at the edge of a technological blade, burnt by the flash of an atomic bomb, or overtaken and enslaved by robots, we should remain like water, quick to take the form of its encirclement, quick to multiply and overflow, and ready to exist in harmony with its

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