Is Society Too Dependent On Technology?

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Is Society Too Dependent on Technology?
Society has become too dependent on technology; could you go a day without your cell phone? Technology has led to genetic mutation, what’s next? Our daily lives are biased completely around technology. Technology needs to be reduced as much as possible it is contrary to god, humans, nature, and technology itself. With the uproar of technology in the past decade professors have dumbed down the courses because students aren’t able to process information like they used to. Students aren’t capable of imagining things themselves or coming up with their own ideas. How would schools function without technology? It’d be a lot harder for me to do this research paper without the internet to look up and print out my sources, I’d go nuts. Humans are using technology to fix the imperfections in themselves with surgeries such as; breast implants, rhinoplasty, lip injections, etc.
Contrary to god,
A special ignorance within the assumption that “imperfections” should or can be designed out of existence. Imperfections are a crucial part of what makes us creative and ethically responsible in the first place. “Blinded by the awesome of our tools, we might forget that some problems and imperfections are just normal costs of accepting the social contract of living with other human beings, treating them with dignity, and ensuring that, in our recent pursuit of a perfect society we do not shut off the door to change.”
Author Nassim Nicholas Taleb explains in his 2012 book Antfragile, a “fragile” system that is able to thrive on uncertainty, and that will not be brought crashing down by circumstances its designers did not anticipate. Humans are naturally “antifragile” creature. Our best qualities from creativity to compassion are nurtured by a certain amount of stress, disorder, and

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